Drifandi 11-895

Drifandi 11-895


Hestur experimental farm, Borgarfjordur, West Iceland

Drifandi 11-895 Atall 09-618 At 06-806
08-816 Grani 03-957
fmf. Kveikur 05-965.
Breeding indexes (BLUP)

Score 2011: 86,5 points
Ultrasound 2011: Eye muscle thickness 30 mm, back fat thickness 1,9 mm, muscle shape 4,0. (S)


Black and horned with very good looking head. Muscular shoulders, wide chest and very good rib shape. Very well muscled back. Broad and well muscled rump. Excellent leg muscling. Very good looking and muscular ram.

Wool quantity well above average and thick fleece. Little bit of grey hairs in the fleece. Curly, medium fine and even thog.

Drifandi was bought for AI in 2012 after progeny testing at Hestur experimental farm resulting in very good eye muscle depth and shape as well as good dressing weight. His progenies have very good meat qualities, especially leanness as the sheep from Hestur is known for.
His daughters abilities are yet to be discovered but his indexes are promising concerning prolificacy and milking abilities.

Meat quality

Carcass grading


Fat grading


Meat qualities






Milking abilities


Scrapie resistance genotype: Neutral

Colour inheritance: Drifandi is homozygous black. Carries neither moorit or spotted.

Contact Southram ( bssl@bssl.is ) for more information.
Southram, Austurvegur 1, 800 Selfoss, Iceland.
Phone + 354 480 1800, Fax + 354 480 1818

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