Florgodi 11-886

Florgodi 11-886


Hafrafellstunga farm, Oxarfjordur, Northeast Iceland

Florgodi 11-886 Hrekkur 09-109 Leynir 08-227
Krima 97-790
Tindilfaett 07-002 Mori 04-255
Hjardarprydi 98-800


Florgodi is a leader ram with very special color. He is a moorit badgerface with a blase and socks. He is very young but has already shown very good leader abilities as well as being very calm and well awake concerning his surroundings.

Florgodi is, as his pedigree states, a little bit related to Karl Philip (AI leader) but his grandfather, Mori 04-255, was Karl Philip’s father.

Scrapie resistance genotype: Heterozygous protective.

Colour inheritance: Florgodi carries variation of colors and patterns.

Contact Southram ( bssl@bssl.is ) for more information.
Southram, Austurvegur 1, 800 Selfoss, Iceland.
Phone + 354 480 1800, Fax + 354 480 1818

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